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Do you want to schedule a PowerPoint presentation to start at a particular time?  Cycle repeatedly for a certain time and then quit automatically?  Here's a set of instructions I put together for someone to schedule PowerPoint shows about artists.  Each show was a biographic sketch about one artist and would run automatically on the artist's birthday.  It's done with the tools already available on your computer.  While the snapshots below were on a computer running Windows 98SE and PowerPoint 2000, any machine which has the Windows Task Scheduler and PowerPoint (or the PowerPoint viewer) will do!

First, in PowerPoint, open the presentation you have and set it for automatic slide transitions and to loop continuously.

Save the file and close PowerPoint



Next, in Windows, open the Task Scheduler by double clicking its icon in the System Tray
In the Task Scheduler, double-click the 'Add Scheduled Task' entry.
In the first step of the Scheduled Task Wizard, click the button
In the second step, select the PowerPoint program.  If necessary, click the button and locate the PowerPoint program.  Click the button
In the next step of the wizard, name of the task being created, set the schedule to monthly, and click the button
In the next step, set the time that the presentation should start.  Make sure you select a time that the computer will be running.  Set the date to the artist's birth date.  Ensure that the only month that is checked is the one that contains the birthday.  Click the button
In the final step, make sure you check the 'Open Advanced Properties...' box.  Click the button
In the next dialog box, titled 'Presentation Demo 1' (the name selected in the third step of the wizard above), in the Task tab, click the button, and find the PowerPoint program.

The 'Run' box should now contain the name of the PowerPoint program on your computer.
Click in the Run box.  Go to the end of the program name, and type in /s "<your .ppt filename>"  Note that the /s is not in quotes, the filename is!  

Delete the contents of the 'Start in' box
In the Settings tab, check the box to terminate the program after a certain time has elapsed.  Set the time in hours and minutes as desired.
Click OK and you are all set.  
