TM Chart Leader Lines
Easily create leader lines connecting your data labels and their associated data points
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TM Custom Radar Chart
Radar Chart with independent and, optionally, normalized axes
TM Retro Slicer
Use slicers in Excel 2003 and 2007
TM Goal Seek
Improved UI for Goal Seek

Common installation instructions for downloadable add-ins.

These utilities and files have undergone reasonable testing and I use most of them for my own work.  While I have programmed the software with professionalism, the truth is that someone somewhere sometime will go beyond what I consider feasible.  If that is you, and the software breaks, please contact me and I will see what can be done to help you.

I check the files for viruses before I upload them to the Web site.  According to the virus protection software I use, they are virus-free.   Each product is in a single executable (.EXE file) or in a single zip archive (.ZIP file).

Works with Excel 2000 (or later) only.